What we offer

  • SEND

    We offer Inreach support provision away from a school site and personalised support for learners with SEND looking to meet the needs and outcomes of their EHCP. Including attendance at Annual Reviews, PEPs etc to help inform ongoing provision. A personalised and creative approach to meeting the individual needs of each learner in response to targets etc. Visual aids and personalised communication plans as part of the students education plan. Updated and developed after every 6 week block and fed back to the commissioner and parents/carers.

  • Lifeskills

    We work with our young people to help them prepare for adulthood. Mentoring them both directly and indirectly around healthy life choices, making a positive impact and creating inspiration for future progression.

    We also enable progression, by supporting the transition to return to mainstream education and further education for post 16 when possible. Our goal is for our learners to achieve a new level of confidence and self esteem, whilst establishing a love of learning.

  • Working with nature

    There is the opportunity for interactions with animals, working with them therapeutically and learning from these interactions. Exploration of the natural world enables learners to develop confidence and self esteem, allowing each student the opportunity to stretch the expectations they have for themselves and persevere to reach their full potential.

  • Creativity

    There is a focus on play through the arts, developing supported risk taking whilst experiencing art techniques, such as working with clay, paint, collage, sculpture etc, inspired by our outdoor experiences.


For those students who would like to work towards qualifications, as a qualified teacher I have experience of helping learners with a range of additional needs acheive a range of qualifications whilst working in a creative and outdoor provision.

Vocational qualifications such as

  • Arts Award - Discover/Explore/Bronze (level 1 qualification in art)/ Silver (level 2 qualification in art) (from 2hr / week)

  • A series of Short courses with a SEMH focus (suitable for those attending for 1hr / week)

Functional Skills

  • Maths (Entry level 1 – Level 2) (from 2hr / week)

  • English (Entry level 1 – Level 2) (from 2hr / week)

  • Maths with English (from 4hr / week)